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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Winter Paintball

Winter is coming and we all know that winter paintball is a lot of fun. It might be cold and your paintball might freeze up but its fun. Here I am going to give u a few tips on keeping your self from getting cold and how to maintain your marker in cold weather.
First things is first keeping warm. The most important thing is not to have too much stuff on you because you got to remember that your going to be running around out there and you will eventually sweat. So don’t put to much stuff on. I put on 2 pairs of pants. Normal pants and then my digital camo pants. For the top I have 2 pairs of long sleeve shirts over each other and a sweater. Every time I paintball in the winter I bring extra clothes in case I start getting cold and the number 1 rule is to keep moisture out and warmth in. For your head you can wear a touk under your mask or a balaclava mask that keeps you really warm. On your feet you should have normal socks, then a thicker sock and on top of that water resistant bout with good insulation. Don’t forget to bring extra socks. Now for your marker. There is not so much to do for your marker in the winter but make sure you have a good marker not some marker from walmart or anywhere else. Try to go with Tippman’s, as they are the best markers for paintball in the outdoors. You can get a lot of problems with you Co2 tanks in the wintertime. The first thing is it can freeze up inside the tank causing you from not getting any gas to got threw your gun. The second thing is it can be really dangerous because the co2 can expand inside the tanks causing overpressure and that can affect you velocity therefore a safety concern created. For winter paintball your should play with compressed air as a source of gas but if you don’t here is a way to avoid getting you co2 tanks to freeze up and become dangerous. Grab like 3 pairs of socks and put them on your tanks to keep it warm and when you’re playing don’t shoot automatic because you tank will freeze up. Keep you shot count low.

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